Herbal Remedies for the Soul: Discover the Healing Power of Our Apothecary Herbs

Angelica Root (is used in magick to attract positive energy and ward off negative energy)
Bay Leaves (is used to help you focus in on what you want to attract)
Black Salt (is used for warding of negativity while working your magik)
Brick Dust (is used for protection against negativity, & cleansing all energies surrounding you)
Cardamon (is used for creating a calming and uplifting mood within your space & aura)
Calendula (known as the flower of the sun, this herbs brings comfort & ease to help you embody that energy throughout your day)
Bitter Sweet (is used for removing anything negative or toxic from your life)
Chamomille (is a known herb for creating a sense of ease & relaxtion. It brings a feeling of comfort and ease to your mind and body)
Dandelion Leaf (is used for sending off wishes, calling in spirits and release messages to the heavens)
Gingko Leaf (is used when bringing spritual initiation and enlightment into your current reality)
Hibiscus (can be used when balancing the Chakras and bringing in alignment within you)
Lavender (is used as a natrual relaxant and can send calming signals to the brain)
Mint (is used a refresher in all spells and to bring in a fresh new energy within your space & aura)
Mugwort (is used for opening the energy channels within our bodies and encourages flow)
Nettle Leaf (has a multitude of magikal uses it can be used to ward and protect against any negative energy, it can also be used to reverse hexes)
Plantin (has the ability to enrich one into the space of prosperity, it can be used to amplify spells)
Pink Himalayian Salt (known as the edible crytstal this herb can be used to amplify feelings of self love, self worth & valuing of oneself. Can also be used to help one feel grounded and cleansed of any impurities)
Red Rose Petals (known as the love herb. This herb can be used in all love spells to amplify and bring positivity to the any love involving situation)
Rosemary (rosemary can be used to amplify pyshic abilities, purify ones space & energy while protecting and warding off negativity and evil)
White Sage (is used when wanting to induce the feeling of calm and clarity and bring a sense of light enegy to your space)
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Product Details
  1. Select Your Herbs
    Browse through the assortment of herbs and choose the ones you'd like in your order.
  2. Pricing
    • The $1 price displayed covers the vessels (e.g., mesh bags or glass jars).
    • Herbs are priced separately at $5 for a 3x4-inch bag unless otherwise noted.
  3. Handling & Packaging
    • A $1 handling and packaging fee applies to all orders.
    • Add the cost of your selected herbs to this base fee.
  4. Savings
    • Save 10% on 5 bags or more using code Zenherbs10 at checkout.
  5. Special Pricing
    • Some herbs have unique costs, which are listed alongside the herb selection.
  6. Imagery
    • All images belong to A little piece of ZenVen and were captured by a photographer or within a sacred space.

Enjoy crafting your personalized herb collection!

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Herbal Remedies for the Soul: Discover the Healing Power of Our Apothecary Herbs

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